The following URL links let you navigate to internet servers providing information on, or being related to accreditation, standardization and quality. This list is not complete, so if you are aware of a URL that fits in the list, please let us know (e-mail to:
Information Servers of International Organizations and Bodies
International Standards Organization - ISO.
International Electrotechnical Commission - IEC.
International Telecommunication Union - ITU.
International Commission on Illumination - CIE.
Internet Engineering Task Force - IETF.
International Federation for Information Processing - IFIP.
Internet Society - ISOC.
European Computer Manufacturers Association - ECMA.
World Wide Web Consortium - W3C.
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers - IEEE.
Information Servers of European Organizations and Bodies
European Telecommunications Standards Institute - ETSI.
European Committee for Standardization - CEN.
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization - CENELEC.
European Workshop Open Systems - EWOS. ή
European Board on EDI Standardization - EBES.
European Organization for Quality - EOQ.
European Organization for Testing and Certification - EOTC.
European Foundation for Quality Management - EFQM.
European Broadcasting Union - EBU.
Information on European Quality (EuroQual) Server.
Other Related Information Servers
"The Safety Link" Newsletter - Electrical Product Safety Compliance.
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