Republic of Cyprus
Cyprus Organization for the Promotion of Quality


Instruction Documents

ID01 - Instruction Document for Certification and/or Inspection Bodies for the inspection of the Installation of Lifts

ID02 - Instruction Documnet for the Traceability of Measurements and the Calibration of Equipment

ID03 - Instruction Document For the Implementation of the European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road ''ADR''

ID03 - Annex I of _ ADR EL

ID04 - Instruction Document for the Implementation of the European Directive 2006/42/EK

ID05 - Instruction Document of CYS-CYSAB for the accreditation of microbiology laboratories

ID06 - Instruction Document for Construction Products

ID07 - Instruction Document for the Accreditation of Certification Bodies / Control Bodies for Organic Products

ID08 - Instruction Document of CYS-CYSAB for the Accreditation of Medical Laboratories according to CYS EN ISO 15189

Other Procedures

OP08 - Profficiency Testing Procedure
the forms relevant to the above procedure (F08.01 and F08.02)

OP15 - Flexible Scope Procedure

OP14 - Appeals

OP09 - Complaints

OP04a - Accreditation of Certification Bodies, Inspection Bodies : Processing Applications - Initial Assessment - Granting Accreditation

Criteria for Accreditation

- Criteria for Accreditation according to ISO 17025

- Criteria for Accreditation according to ISO 15189

- Criteria for Accreditation according to ISO 17065 and ISO 17020

- Requirements for Accreditation of Notified Bodies (Lifts)

- Requirements for Accreditation of Notified Bodies (Pressure Equipment)

Regulation for Accreditation of Cyprus Accreditation Body

- Regulation for Accreditation

Note 1:

Concerning any revisions in CYS-CYSAB’s documentation the following applies:
When the revised documentation is related to critical and important changes, a due notice of the changes to CYS-CYSAB’s requirements for accreditation is given to the CABs, with the date of implementation via an email sent to each CAB concerned by the responsible LA.
Concerning minor changes, CABs shall regularly visit CYS-CYSAB’s website to receive the relevant information. Any interested party that wishes to be provided with the relevant changes of the new versions of texts uploaded on the website, may contact CYS-CYSAB’s Secretariat. A relevant statement is posted on the website.

Note 2:

Instruction Documents are mandatory documents developed by CYS-CYSAB. However, mandatory documents may include guidance that is identifiable based of the “should” definition.

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